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Current status of quinoa development and utilization in China


Current status of quinoa development and utilization in China
1 Food development
Compared with other cereals, quinoa has a high protein quality score; it is rich in many amino acids, and its amino acid ratio is close to the ideal ratio proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); it is rich in dietary fiber and gluten-free; and it is rich in many minerals and vitamins. Because quinoa contains both fiber and protein, it is also highly recommended as a weight-loss food by beauty lovers. The seeds of quinoa can be cooked like millet, ground into flour to make various types of pasta and soups; in addition, the young leaves and shoots of quinoa can be eaten as a vegetable and can be made into a nutritious salad. At present, the main processed products of quinoa in the market are: quinoa flour health products, quinoa porridge, quinoa apple juice and quinoa fermented white wine, etc.
2 Industrial development
Quinoa is rich in vitamins and ionic acids, while vitamin B1 can reduce skin dryness and ionic acids can
It can make the skin firm and elastic. Therefore, quinoa can be used in cosmetic products such as lipsticks, shampoos and body lotions. Currently, a wide range of quinoa-based care products are available on the market. In addition, the saponins in quinoa have a wide range of pharmacological and bioactive effects, such as immune effects, surface active effects, antibacterial, antitumor effects, prevention of cardiovascular disease, etc., and can also be used as natural sweeteners, protective agents, foaming agents, flavor enhancers, antioxidants, etc. in food.
3 Agricultural development
The seeds and other parts of quinoa contain saponin-like secondary metabolites. These saponins and their derivatives are non-toxic to humans and can be used as safe agricultural insecticides or insect repellents, organic pesticides to kill schistosomes; they can also be used as agricultural feed, wetting agents and root growth agents. In addition, quinoa stalks can be used as green feed for animals, which is non-toxic, harmless and nutritious.
4 Medicinal development
The arabinoxylans and pectin-like polysaccharides extracted from quinoa can be used to treat ulcers. In addition, quinoa contains natural phytoestrogens, which are mainly active ingredients of isoflavones (one of the flavonoids) and are often used clinically to lower blood pressure, sugar and lipids, as well as to prevent cardiovascular and atherosclerotic diseases, especially for breast cancer, prostate cancer and menopausal syndrome.
In particular, it has significant effects on breast cancer, prostate cancer, menopausal syndrome, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. 3. 5 Ornamental value development
5 Ornamental value development
Quinoa is highly resistant to adversity and has a variety of species, with plants ranging from 0.2 to 3.0 m in height and seeds of various colors, including white, yellow, pink, dark red, purple and black. The seeds are white, yellow, pink, dark red, purple and black. Some varieties have high ornamental value, and if these quinoa cash crops with high ornamental value can be used for urban landscaping, they can be enriched. If these quinoa cash crops with high ornamental value can be used in urban landscaping, they can enrich the gardening pattern and form a unique landscape of crops in urban landscaping.