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Rice processing equipment can promote the development of animal husbandry


Do you know the main reason why rice processing plants can promote the development of animal husbandry? As one of the main raw materials for animal's feed, especially the rice products produced and processed by the rice processing plants have an important influence and help to the development of animal husbandry. Now there are many different types of rice processing plants, so how does it promote the development of animal husbandry? Why rice processing sets of equipment can promote the development of animal husbandry?

Rice as a mixed grain, a large part of the current demand is in the livestock industry as rice feed, in the livestock industry now, rice occupies a very important position, because at present about 65% of the world's rice are used as feed, up to 80% in developed countries, therefore, it can be said that rice is an important basis for the development of animal husbandry.

Rice straw can replace some of the rice seeds as a good feed, especially a high-energy feed for cattle. The disadvantage of rice straw is that it contains little protein and calcium and therefore needs to be supplemented. Straw silage not only keeps the stems and leaves tender and juicy, but also produces lactic acid and other substances by microbial action during the silage process, which enhances palatability.

Rice seeds are good feed, can be directly used as livestock feed for pigs, cattle, horses, chickens, geese, etc.; especially for fat pigs, beef cattle, dairy cows, broilers. With the development of rice processing equipment industry, concentrated feed and compound feed are widely used.

Rice processing by-products of feed applications rice processing equipment in the rice wet mill, dry mill, starch, beer, dextrin, sugar and other processing production of embryos, bran, slurry and other by-products, is also an important feed resource, accounting for more than 5% of feed processing raw materials in the United States.